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Zemlyanukhina N. S., Kuznetsov P. S., Fursov А. L. Changing the Paradigm of Career Guidance in Postmodern Environment. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 128-133. DOI:
Changing the Paradigm of Career Guidance in Postmodern Environment
Introduction. The contradictions between the paradigm of vocational guidance in the Industrial society and modern tendencies of the use of human capital are shown. Theoretical analysis. The hypothesis that postmodern has changed the essence of professionalization and career guidance is put forward and substantiated: in postmodernism conditions the choice of profession should be replaced by the description of possible educational and professional trajectories and their personal “fitting”. It is shown that postmodernism has changed the role of personnel, the importance of the education system. In particular, the postmodernism’s career orientation paradigm presupposes the employee’s readiness to live and survive independently in the conditions of constantly updated reality, being in a process that has no frames and final results. Results. The new paradigm of career guidance is to introduce to employees both at the stage of social start and throughout the working life the task to get practically acquainted with the widest range of professions, specializations, jobs. Postmodernism’s career guidance involves leaving the rigid framework profession to focus on obtaining and improving the set of competencies that are in demand in many areas of professional activity, based on personal characteristics, inclination and Motivation of the employee. As a result, the employee is in a permanent state of “discovering himself” and his opportunities in new professions to improve his competitiveness in the labor market constantly.
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