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Mingaleva Z. A. Perspectives of Creation Innovative Clusters in the Life Sciences. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 629-633. DOI:

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Perspectives of Creation Innovative Clusters in the Life Sciences

Introduction. The problems of practical use of discoveries in the sphere of life sciences, especially genomics, attracts the attention of many researchers. This raised the question of innovation cluster creating in the sphere of genomics. Theoretical analysis. The papers examines the questions of possibility and advisability of creating clusters in the field of life sciences. The research is based on foreign experience in network structures creating in the field of life sciences in leading research centers. The features of cluster creation in genomics are examined and main conditions of their successful functioning are revealed. Discussion of results. In research process the role of state participation in creation of such clusters is examined as well as the importance of public-private partnership in cluster development. Creating united coordinated and available data source is a field of especial importance of state support of clusterisation in genomics fields.

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