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Limonova E. V. Nanomаnagement in a System of the Personnel Management. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 554-559. DOI:

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Nanomаnagement in a System of the Personnel Management

In the modern economy the role of human being, intellectual and creative person, as a carrier of knowledge, is increasing rapidly. In such conditions most of classic methods of personnel management are out of date now and don’t correspond with new trends. And for the achievement of one’s own success and increasing of the efficiency of enterprise in whole, it appears the persistent relevance to investigate the staff management system from the point of control of vital interests of each person. Theoretical analysis. In this work the systematic approach of Human resource management studying (HRM) was applied, as well as were applied statistical and graphical methods, questionnaire design, analysis and synthesis. One of the directions of economic science, called Nanomanagement as a HRM unit is revealed and the principal trends of the development of Nanomanagement in the area of data exchange are determined. Empirical analysis and results. On that basis the most effective individual labor cycle of worker is determined. It is shown that one person, being a subject of business carrier management, is able to structure his own living space and to determine his aims and look for their solutions, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise in whole. Conclusions. The necessity of group educational processes in creative environment during all human’s life Is proved.

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