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Торосян Р. А. International Standards of Gender Equality. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 347-?. DOI:
International Standards of Gender Equality
The article is devoted to the research of the international
standards of gender equality fixed in is international-legal
acts. Discussion. As a result of the research of international-legal
documents, the author, places emphasis on the biggest group of
international-legal standards which the rights and freedoms of a
person and citizen belong to. The special attention is paid to the
reasons according to which the activity of the international organizations
was more directed on protection of the rights of women subject
to discrimination. The author draws a conclusion that women subject
to earlier gender discrimination, in general, reached the same level,
as men, during the realization of their rights. However, as much more
attention is paid to women, both at international and national levels,
there are spheres in which men are discriminated. Conclusion. As
a result of the analysis of activity of the international organizations
and also international – the legal documents fixing the international
standards of gender equality, the author comes to the conclusion
that at the heart of the considered international documents in the
field of human rights there are such important principles as gender
equality and inadmissibility of discrimination on the basis of gender.
However, implementation of provisions of the international documents
containing the international standards of ensuring gender equality
is carried out not to the full extent, that is caused by the lack of effective
national mechanisms of protection against discrimination on
the basis of gender.
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