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Bataeva B. S., Airapetyan L. . Cooperation between Business and Government in the Development and Implementation of Targeted Programs (Retracted 01/09/2021). Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 257-?. DOI:

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Cooperation between Business and Government in the Development and Implementation of Targeted Programs (Retracted 01/09/2021)

Introduction. Within this article practice of interaction of the power and business during the developing and implementation of federal target programs by means of which priorities of social and economic development of the country are reached is considered. Target programs are one of the most important tools of the solution of social and economic tasks in the state. Theoretical analysis. Program and target approach is used both in a state administration, and in business planning. In a state administration it is used when developing comprehensive target programs, long-term and medium-term plans. The concept «target program» was used in the Soviet economy under the name «target comprehensive program» which represented initial category of program and target planning and management. In budget planning of the Russian Federation program and target approach began to be applied actively, since 2000. Now the target program is understood as system of the actions directed on the solution of definite purposes and tasks in established periods and with the established resource providing for achievement of certain indicators by performers of the program, and considering interests of all parties interested in implementation of the program. Results. Need of use of Territory Development Corporations at implementation of target programs is proved. Measures for coordination of interaction of Territory Development Corporations with authorities during the developing and implementation of target programs are offered.


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