Fedorenko Vladimir Aleksandrovich FedorenkoVladimirAleksandrovichCountry: RussiaCity: SaratovCompany: Saratov State University410028, Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya str., 83 E-mail: fed77@yandex.ru Author's articles КОМПЕНСАЦИЯ ИСКАЖЕНИЙ НА ЦИФРОВЫХ ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЯХ СЛЕДОВ ОРУЖИЯ НА ВЫСТРЕЛЕННЫХ ПУЛЯХ, ОБУСЛОВЛЕННЫХ КРИВИЗНОЙ ИССЛЕДУЕМОЙ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ Influence of Inhomogeneities of the Surface of Caps on Variability of Static Firing Pin Traces The Method of the Estimation of Uniqueness of Route Complexes in Secondary Traces Compensation of Distortions of Images of Traces on the Deformed Bullets for their Automated Comparison Identification of Similar Images of Breech Face Impressions by the Correlation Cells Method A Probabilistic Assessment of the Complexes of Combined Traces in Secondary Tracks on Fired Bullets Classifi cation of fi ring pin marks images by weapon specimens using a fully-connected neural network