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Lysova E. A. Characteristics and Main Tendencies of Russian Security Service Market Development. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 403-408. DOI:

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Characteristics and Main Tendencies of Russian Security Service Market Development

Width and variety of services don`t allow to determine the common regularities for the whole service industry. Every type of service requires individualization of studies, analysis, and market assessment. Theoretical analysis. The paper studies specificity and types of security services, main approaches towards determination «security service» have been changed, proper formulation of this determination has been given, and analysis and study of security services market have been carried out, specific features have been found out. Development peculiarities and trends of Russia`s security services market are determined on the basis of application of following methods: analysis, systematization, observation, Delphi approach, statistical approach, survey, monographical approach, logical analysis and practical experience. Results. Differentiating feature of security services market is competition, which is defined as process of interaction and rivalry between organizations, what provide security services. Competition on the security services market has differentiating features associated with peculiarities of this market. Structural feature of the market regarding service providers has effect on competition. Conclusions. In consequence of analysis regarding of Russian`s security services market, we have set the following tasks, what need to be solved: improvement of mechanism of government and legal regulation; development of competitive environment; development of innovative technologies and new types of services; integration of the Russian`s security services market into European and world markets.

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