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Тихонова С. В. Communication Space as Object of Legal Policy: Theoretical Problems of Spatial Approachformation. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 437-443. DOI:

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Communication Space as Object of Legal Policy: Theoretical Problems of Spatial Approachformation

Introduction. The article deals with methodological aspects of research of communication space in the theory of legal policy, it also discusses the application of spatial approach for this purpose. Discussion of results. In our opinion, the theoretical model of commu- nication space allows to take into account the patterns of communication dynamics, to identify the objectives and priorities of the societal transformations, to mitigate the digital divide and the future communication divides. Conclution. The author comes to the conclusion that jurisprudence spatial approach is fragmentary. Theoretical researches of legal space are focused on the social and philosophical spatial approach and the relational concept of space. Empirical researches of a cyberspace (virtual space) have substantial character. Their integration barrier is the substantivism of the theoretical legal doctrine about law action in space, in time and around persons.


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