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Kumehov K. K. Concept of Develop of the Informational And Analytical Centre in the National Reseach University. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 201-206. DOI:

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Concept of Develop of the Informational And Analytical Centre in the National Reseach University

Introduction. This paper is the concept of the development and implementation of information-analytical center under the National Research University. Theoretical analysis. The terms are specified and the theoretical aspects, the actual state of the information base SGU, the characteristics of the elements, the basic directions of work on the creation of information-analytical center are studying in this article. Empirical analysis. The article describes the algorithm of design and implementation of information-analytical center of the structure of higher education by the example of SGU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. It is concluded that the structural changes should start with a change in the information base, which has the following drawbacks: the lack of a genuine link between the process of learning and practice, and the lack of a common methodology for the collection and use of information processing. Conclusions. The solution to these problems would be creating of the information-analytical center in the SGU with specific functions and personnel structure. The article defines the goals, objectives and criteria of information-analytical center as a whole, the procedure for the formation and functioning of the algorithm. In particular, it is proposed the creation of a modular type, and create information modules correspond to the priority areas of the SGU.

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