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Al Khafaji Mohammed A. . Correlation of international and regional (Muslim) concepts in the field of human rights. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3, pp. 340-347. DOI:

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Correlation of international and regional (Muslim) concepts in the field of human rights

Introduction. The article is devoted to the problems of correlation of international standards in the field of human rights, based on the liberal values of Western civilization, with regional acts of Muslim countries, correlating with Islam. The study analyzes various points of view of scientists on the issues of universalism of human rights and cultural relativism. The author adheres to the position that the content of human rights and freedoms in each specific community is heterogeneous and depends on its cultural, historical, religious and moral development. Theoretical analysis. The problem of the correlation of concepts in the field of human rights is primarily associated with the different approaches of the existing legal systems to the perception of human rights and freedoms. The theocentric approach, which is shared in the Muslim world, is the opposite of the liberal one, which is based on anthropocentricity. Most of the Muslim countries have signed and ratified international treaties on human rights, but made numerous reservations indicating the possibility of realizing a complex of human rights from the perspective of Islam. Empirical analysis. Despite the difference in views on the scope and content of human rights, Muslim countries strive to implement the international human rights standard. Regional acts of Muslim countries in the field of human rights, developed in the second half of the 20th century, have been severely criticized by human rights organizations on gender and family regulation, religious freedom, self-determination, etc. Currently, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has developed a Declaration on Human Rights. offering a modern formulation of the position of Muslim countries on human rights. This act is aimed, on the one hand, at convergence of legal positions with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on the other hand, it protects basic Islamic values. Results. The study of regional acts of Muslim countries in the field of human rights regulation, modern Muslim concepts of human rights allowed the author to conclude that Muslim countries strive not only to participate in the discussion on human rights, defending their civilizational identity, but also to find points of convergence of Islamic views on human rights with international standards.

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