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Макаров В. Ю. Credit Market: the Problems, Contradictions and Potential for Growth . Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 144-?. DOI:

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Credit Market: the Problems, Contradictions and Potential for Growth

Introduction. In the present state of the domestic economy, where there is a stable manifestation of stagflation processes will inevitably have to deal with problems in the field of credit and the banking system. At the same time it is the real situation in those areas of financial activity depend largely on the prospects and potential for economic growth. Therefore, the study of the conditions in which this activity takes place, and the search for reserves to strengthen the positions of banks in the market today are the urgent tasks. Theoretical analysis. Evidence suggests that the pace of development of the microfinance sector lending rates significantly higher than those characterizing our banking system that is actually in a state of decline. Despite the leading position of this sector, there is the intersection of the activities of microfinance institutions and banks in consumer lending, which determines the need to examine product offerings of these organizations in the field of microcredit. Results. The study revealed the existence of the competitive advantages of the banking system in mikropotrebkreditovaniya and available as a result of this potential increase in the volume of lending by the banking sector, which in the implementation of these advantages in practice will improve forecasts and prospects for its development. Conclusions. The list of measures for elimination of the banking system of stagnant and the pre-crisis status must include measures to educate potential borrowers about the competitive advantages of banking products, which should lead to an increase in the influx of customers for loans to banks, and thus to improve the financial condition of the latter, subject to competent credit policy.


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