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Tumeneva N. V. Criteria of Scientific Character of Legal Knowledge and Practice of Their Application. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 343-?. DOI:
Criteria of Scientific Character of Legal Knowledge and Practice of Their Application
Introduction. The complexity of the objects of legal influence, the enrichment of the theory due to the increment of new knowledge from non-legal spheres raise the question, firstly, about the demarcation of legal knowledge in the Humanities, secondly, about increasing the requirements for the accuracy of the object-subject area and the methodology of legal research, thirdly, about the formalization of legal phenomena in legal practice, finally, about the evaluation of the results of the research, in terms of their practical utility, social relevance. These issues cannot be solved without the application of scientific criteria of legal knowledge. The purpose is to identify a set of scientific criteria necessary and suitable for the standardization of legal knowledge. Theoretical analysis. It is necessary to form a system of disciplinary scientific criteria in law as a tool for assessing legal knowledge, which has a number of features (in particular, state-legal phenomena are complex unique systems, the analysis of which necessarily takes into account political and historical factors, worldview preferences of the researcher, the choice of research methodology, etc., and this increases the subjective moment in their assessment). This fact does not always allow uniform application of universal criteria for the standardization of legal knowledge. Conclutions. The problem of establishing the boundaries of the formalization and materialization of the state-legal phenomena is solved by applying a set of criteria of scientific character, allowing, first, to state the scientific significance of the objects of knowledge, and secondly, to withdraw the legal phenomena of abstraction (the sphere of tacit knowledge) into an object-subject area and give them a categorical status.
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