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Tugusheva R. R. Demonstration of Fictitious in Intelligent Goods at the Economy Knowledge. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 390-?. DOI:

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Demonstration of Fictitious in Intelligent Goods at the Economy Knowledge

Introduction.Changes in the economic system at the present stage first of all are bound to the changes imposed to the workforce. Currently, the intellectual work, which is characterized by cognition becomes more significant in industrial sector. In this connection, the importance of increased intangible goods, one of which is an intellectual goods run high. The intelligent goods have specific properties, one of which is fictitious. Theoretical analysis. The article contains various definitions of what «knowledge» and «information» are. It also contains the analysis of the features of the process of production of intellectual goods,in the creation of which the main resource is knowledge. Besides, the article contains the main approaches to the definition of «fictitious goods». Results. It is noted that there is a gap between value and the value of intellectual goods. Also noted that while determining the value of these goods comes up some difficulties with assessing the labor by their production. Based on an analysis of different approaches to the concept of «fictitious goods» defined that knowledge has the properties of fictitious and the intellectual goods is a fictitious goods, and that is its main feature.


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