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Anisimov A. P. Development of Environmental Legislation in the United States: Problems and Prospects. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 301-309. DOI:
Development of Environmental Legislation in the United States: Problems and Prospects
Introduction. The article deals with the environmental legislation of the United States of America and the practice of its application. Theoretical analysis. The main acts of environmental legislation of the United States, the experience of the division of powers between the Federation and its subjects (states) in the field of environmental protection, legal practice in the field of ecology, and the structure of the US environmental management bodies are studied. Results. In the United States, for several decades, there has been a developed system of environmental legislation that creates a fairly effective mechanism for managing the environment. The main environmental functions in the United States are performed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The experience of the United States in delineating the subjects of jurisdiction between the Federation and its subjects, the well-established mechanism of horizontal interaction between the states, and their experience in filling in gaps in Federal environmental legislation is noteworthy. The experience of public environmental associations in the field of environmental protection is also interesting. However, Federal environmental programs often suffer from underfunding, and overcoming environmental discrimination, as shown in the Flint (Michigan) case, remains an unresolved problem, despite all the efforts of the public and the position of the country’s political leadership.
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