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Tugusheva R. R., Ogurtsova E. V., Firsova A. A. Development of Russian precious metals sales planning under the conditions of macroeconomic and geopolitical instability. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 180-185. DOI:
Development of Russian precious metals sales planning under the conditions of macroeconomic and geopolitical instability
Introduction. The development of science and technology in recent decades, the active introduction of innovations and ongoing technological changes have significantly influenced economic processes and led to the emergence of a post-industrial economic system with a predominance of the Quaternary knowledge-intensive sector of the economy. Theoretical analysis. The development of intellectual activity and the expansion of the intellectual production sphere change the quality of the economic system itself. In modern economy, the development of markets for intellectual goods and services leads to qualitative changes in traditional sectors of the economy, which makes it important to study their development dynamics. Еmpirical analysis. Based on empirical data from 85 Russian regions for 2014–2021, an integral indicator of the development level of regional markets for intellectual goods and services was calculated using nine indicators that characterize the most large-scale knowledge-intensive sectors of knowledge generation in regional economies: educational services, innovations and information technologies. Results. The dynamics of the development of regional markets for intellectual goods and services as a whole is determined, and the unevenness of their development and a high degree of differentiation are revealed. The “disconnection” of regions with a high level of development of knowledge-intensive sectors from each other hinders the formation of an even innovation space and the spread of a high-tech way of life, the effective transfer of knowledge, technology, information and economic growth in general. Conclusion. The results of the study can be used to analyze changes in the educational services market, when conducting research on the innovative and informational development of regions, predicting qualitative and quantitative trends in the development of markets for intellectual goods and services.
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