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Тарновский В. В. Effective Management of Cultural Heritage Objects as Development Factor of Saratov Region. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 419-?. DOI:

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Effective Management of Cultural Heritage Objects as Development Factor of Saratov Region

Introduction.The urgency determines the need to find new sources of the regional economy growth, one of which could be the development of cultural and historical environment of the region. Highly developed cultural and historical environment will increase the interest in the Saratov region for tourists from other regions of Russia, which ultimately have a positive impact on the Saratov region`s economy. Theoretical analysis. The theoretical basis of research was proved that market mechanisms do not fixed society needs to the initiation of the cultural values and the need to preserve cultural heritage. Empirical analysis. The author’s analysis showed difficulties with an open single body of the necessary statistical characterizing the activity data of the state bodies for the protection of cultural heritage. Results. The author’s algorithm of effective management of cultural heritage objects in the Saratov region consists of ten iterations. Realization of this algorithm allow to create effective cultural historical environment and to improve «recognizability» of region on inland tourism market, which contribute to a favorable image of the territory and increase the investment attractiveness of the Saratov region.


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