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Chepeleva N. N. Elements of Fright Transport CompanyResource Strategy’s Methodology. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 444-450. DOI:

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Elements of Fright Transport CompanyResource Strategy’s Methodology

There area lot of strategic planning science papers focused on the strategy development; each of ones has its own specific form. However, the enterprise’ resource strategy is often neglected, that causes a lack of methodology aspects elaboration and implementation. Meanwhile, the resource-based view, which is one of the areas of firm strategic theory, founded on the assumption that the enterprise resources are the basis of its competitiveness and provide a high market rate, increasing the interest to the resource strategy. The paper attempts to fill this gap, by formation the methodology basic elements. Methods. Strategy’s methodology adopted in strategic management theory includes such basic elements as: a description of strategy theory base, its characteristics (principles), logical and temporal structures, and technology (tools) of creating. The resource strategy, as any other ones, also has all of structural elements, however differ in their specific features. That allows to elicit resources strategy as an allocate plan in the enterprise’ strategic planning system. Results. The results of the developed by the authors methodology for the resource strategy of the freight transport enterprise is the offering of integration-and-priority approach. Its conceptual framework focuses on the resource strategy dominant position in the enterprise strategic plans and on-line association the enterprises, acting on the transportation market, in the union information database for strategic resources identification and making core competencies.

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