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Goryacheva Т. V., Myzrova O. A. Enterprise internal monitoring development as part of the bank lending strategy formation. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 141-147. DOI:

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Enterprise internal monitoring development as part of the bank lending strategy formation

Introduction. In solving the issue of ensuring the effective implementation of the company’s lending strategy for the purpose of its rational formation, the issues of internal monitoring of enterprises are of particular relevance. Theoretical analysis. The article deals with the theoretical aspects of developing algorithmized tools for the development of a system for monitoring the credit strategy of an enterprise is justified. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the ratio of issued credit loan funds and overdue debt of legal entities of the Russian Federation is carried out, the dynamics of the industries’ debt burden is shown. Results. Methodological approaches to monitoring enterprises in the system of bank lending have been developed. The proposed algorithmized mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the current strategy, which is carried out in two stages. At the same time, at the first stage, an analysis of market and non-market factors affecting the implementation of strategies is carried out. At the second stage, the internal environment of enterprises is analyzed. The practical implementation of the research results suggests the possibility of using a shell-based mechanism for monitoring the credit strategy at specific enterprises.

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