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Kulikov O. A. Factors of Social Services Markets’ Restructuring in the Information Economy in Russia. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 370-376. DOI:

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Factors of Social Services Markets’ Restructuring in the Information Economy in Russia

Introduction. A modern economy, based on digital technologies and new consumption patterns, is restructuring not only traditional areas of business, but also markets that were not previously influenced by private capital. First of all, this applies to markets related to education and medical care. Theoretical analysis. The understanding of the modern theory of structural changes in the economic sector is based on the concept of structural shifts (qualitative changes) between the three main sectors (primary, secondary and tertiary) (J. Kruger, C. Clark, S. Kuznets), due to the uneven dynamics of their development (O. Yu. Krasilnikov). Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of structural changes in modern economics are based on their assessment not as a consequence, but as one of the sources of economic growth (J. Lin). Based on the analysis of structural changes, conditions and tasks for an active structural policy are determined. Empirical analysis. The factors influencing the change in the structure of markets in the fields of medicine and education are decomposed. An analysis of the educational and medical services markets’ restructuring is carried out in the following areas: changing the nature of demand through new consumption patterns; the study of statistical information on the financial and physical volumes of the medical and educational services’ markets; determination of the state budgetary policy impact in the social sphere; assessment of disruptive innovations’ impact. Results. Among the most significant factors influencing the economic structure of the medical and educational sectors, there are such as changes in customer preferences and consumption patterns, market for relevant services’ restructuring and the emergence of new internal market niches, state policy that directly or indirectly affects the redistribution of financial flows within industries and the increased importance of modern digital technology application in the production of services.


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