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Komkov I. V. Formal institutional factors’ influence on Russia’s internal debt dynamics. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 125-134. DOI:

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Formal institutional factors’ influence on Russia’s internal debt dynamics

Introduction. The role of domestic government borrowing in Russia’s fiscal policy has become prominent in 2020. The relevance of this topic is related to the budget’s need for additional sources of financing due to COVID-19 pandemic. The effectiveness of the state’s debt policy is influenced by many factors: the political structure of the state, legal institutions, the economic situation in the country, the quality of infrastructure. In this study, the impact of formal institutional factors on the dynamics of domestic debt, the possibility of improving debt policy in modern conditions are analyzed. Theoretical analysis. The article reveals the concept of institutions in the context of domestic debt, the causal dependence of the public borrowing dynamics on the functional characteristics of the formal institutions that form it. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the main formal institutional factors, namely: legal institutions, the economic situation in the country, the infrastructure and the political structure of the state is carried out. Results. In the course of studying the factors of domestic debt growth, the weaknesses of formal institutions that determine the dynamics of state domestic borrowing in modern conditions were identified. Proposals are made for improving the state policy in the sphere of Russia’s state debt.

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