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Наумов А. И., Мраморнова О. В. Issues of the Vocational Education on Railway Transport. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 270-?.

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Issues of the Vocational Education on Railway Transport

Nowadays the problem of internal staff training is
ever more actualized. Market conditions make the highest demands
on the process of learning both rank-and-file workers and managers.
Theoretical analysis. This article describes the problems of
personnel training in a reindustrialization, caused by the formation of
a new technological system. Characteristic features of these issues
make additional demands to system of an intra firm vocational education.
Research methodology. The article considers personnel
training on the example of JSC «Russian Railways» – the largest
number of employees in Russia. In the research process were studied
normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and inner documents
of the company, which are the basis for the formation of the human
resources capacity and the developing of forms and methods of the
staff training system. The article attempts to determine the required
competencies of employees of JSC «RZD» and partner companies,
due to the process of re-industrialization and import substitution.
Empirical analysis. The process of stuff training at JSC «Russian railways» is an educational vertical line in all railway networks which
produces the professional and personal development of employees
and managers. There are examined the features of the process
of staff teaching in railway transport connected with the specific
nature of the industry, the uneven distribution of the railway network
in the country. The article analyzes the main programs and
methods of training of various categories of staff. Discussion of
results. The analysed methods of stuff training of JSC «Russian
railways» and enterprises-partners supplying products for railway
transport represent one of the directions of import substitution problems
solution. The main stuff competences needed for the solution
of this task are defined.


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