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Trubitsina T. I., Trubitsin A. R. Key Point of Modern Russian Economy. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 354-360. DOI:

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Key Point of Modern Russian Economy

Introduction. It is theoretically and practically important to study the relations of the formation of a key point in the country’s economy development, since this will lead to a change in economic policy and to the improvement of economic relations. The article discusses the current problems of the country’s modern economy as a basic phenomenon of the need to form a key point in this process. Theoretical analysis. The concept of a key point of development, its modern characteristics and methods for its implementation, including innovative forms, are given. Discussion of results. In the modern Russian economy, there is a need to proceed to the formation of a key point in the economy development as an integral single existence of infrastructure instead of its fragmented development, which exists at present. Access to such a development is objectively necessary, although very difficult to achieve. Conclusions. The transition of the economy to providing a key point of development is objectively necessary. This requires substantial investment and changes in the existence of federal and regional authorities.


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