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Repev А. G. Legal Advantages and Restrictions in System of Regulation of the Labour Relations. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 212-?. DOI:
Legal Advantages and Restrictions in System of Regulation of the Labour Relations
Introduction. In modern state and legal and economic conditions as one of the perspective directions of increase of efficiency of employment relationships, eradication of discrimination use not imperative (regulations instructions, restrictions, prohibitions), and residuary rules acts. The regulations benefits assuming establishment for certain subjects of privileges and privileges concern to the last. Theoretical analysis. The analysed legislation of the Russian Federation has allowed to establish the characteristics of regulations about legal benefits in employment relationships caused by need of differentiation, a social orientation. The main objective of work consisted in structuring, a typology of legal benefits in the sphere of regulation of employment relationships on the basis of theoretical ideas of them, and also taking into account specifics of the industry right. Precepts of law about privileges, privileges to workers and the employee act as a component, subinstitute of the theory of legal benefits in the Russian legislation, than their communication with other standard material of system of a labor right proves to be true. Results. Following the results of the conducted research we come to a conclusion that differentiation in employment relationships has the dialectic nature, is provided with legal benefits in the form of privileges, privileges to separate categories of persons, and is equal also additional restrictions. It is justified only in case of their balance and compliance to the state and public concerns and requirements
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