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Gvozdeva S. M. Management of Quality Services Catering. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 583-588. DOI:

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Management of Quality Services Catering

Quality management is a core function of public service enterprises of the service industry. First of all, to improve the quality of service caterer is a means to achieve and maintain competitiveness. In Russia, the attention to quality management in the restaurant business is increasing due to the development of restaurant chains. Quality control services based on planning and customer satisfaction – one of the main criteria of economic prosperity catering. Theoretical analysis. Based on the generalization of the existing Russian and international standards provides definitions of catering services, quality of service, highlighted the benefits of the implementation of international standards, the main areas in the organization of the quality of customer service based on ISO standards. Discussion of results. The result of the study is to identify the most significant for the provision of foodservice principles of TQM, the allocation of requirements for quality of service in accordance with international practice, the recognition of the standards for well-functioning corporate culture and used as the control functions of the program mystery shopping.

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