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Гвоздкова Л. C., Гвоздков С. Н. Mechanism of Traceformation on Cases During Reloading when Repeated Use. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 229-?. DOI:

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Mechanism of Traceformation on Cases During Reloading when Repeated Use

Introduction. Recently in expert practice there registered the instances of using homemade reloaded rifled weapon cartridges. Purposes and tasks. To consider the problems of traceformation when reloading cases. To reveal on the reloaded cases the productive facilities significant traces available for forensic expert examination. To describe stepwise the reloading process and the equipment used. Experimental part. Examining the traces formed in the course of a shot was carried out with hunter’s cartridge cases ejected from .300 WIN MAG caliber Sauer 202 carbine. Discution of results. In terms of the cases examined the analysis of traceformation mechanism special features after repeated reloading was conducted. It allowed to draw conclusion on the repeated use of cases, otherwise – on their reloading by means of one and the same equipment.


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