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Derunova E. A. Methodological Tools Formation for Regional Innovative Agrosystems Research. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 400-408. DOI:

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Methodological Tools Formation for Regional Innovative Agrosystems Research

Introduction. In the context of the transition to an export-oriented economy, the innovative development of the agricultural sector is a non-alternative tool for ensuring the state national security. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the theoretical and methodological aspects of the regional innovative agricultural systems’ formation in the context of the national innovation system concept. The economy’s modern agricultural sector transformation into an innovative agricultural system within the framework of the NIS requires the development of a methodology and tools for researching the regional agricultural systems innovative development. Empirical analysis. Based on the analysis and assessment of the agro-industrial complex innovative development dynamics, a connection was revealed between the intensification of the integration institutional interaction of the innovation process’ subjects and the growth of agribusiness’ innovative activity. Results. Methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of regional agricultural systems based on the principles of balanced integration between the state, science and education, agribusiness, taking into account regional needs and spatial heterogeneity, have been developed. A list of key indicators for assessing the innovative potential of regional agricultural systems is proposed. The construction of integrated development indices for regional innovative agricultural systems will allow a typology of regions to be leading and catching up and develop targeted mechanisms to stimulate innovative activity in the agro-industrial complex in the context of a transition to a model of export-oriented agricultural economy.


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