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Gerasimov K. B. Model Design Technology Solutions Management Function Tasks. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 431-438. DOI:
Model Design Technology Solutions Management Function Tasks
Currently produced new approaches to management. One such approach is technologization management processes. At the present stage of the quickest and most effective is the use of social technologies, including and technology management, as management tools and techniques. Awareness of the need technologizing comes gradually, when the organization is faced with the need to streamline the administrative and operational processes of the organization. Theoretical analysis. The system of management of the organization is composed of different structural elements. From the position of the functional approach, the structural unit of management is the functional task management, the realization of which in the normal course of business management technology designed. The functioning of many systems management processes and sub is focused. A typical implementation of this act is to solve the set of specific management tasks to achieve the desired goal of a fixed initial situation. The results of the study. Technology to the procedures in detail is the transformation of the input information into output. Work on technology use should start with the valuation function, since this function sets the basic parameters for the solution of other functional management tasks within the control system. In this case, should not focus on a particular profession. It is assumed that the composition parameters and the value of their standards within the chosen method will not differ materially for a variety of professions. Precise performance of the model presented in stages technologizing management will allow organizations to have a stable and reliable system management processes and sub-level operations and procedures, as well as the system’s development and renovation in the operation.
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