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Trubitsin A. R. Modeling of Development of Investment Activity Economic Entities in the Modernization of the Modern Russia. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 383-388. DOI:

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Modeling of Development of Investment Activity Economic Entities in the Modernization of the Modern Russia

Modernization of the economy is not just economic growth, but a new quality content of the process. Laying the foundations of renovation economy is impossible without investment processes, depending on the degree of intensity of the investment activity of all economic entities, but growing under different scenarios. Theoretical analysis. Fundamentals of theoretical and methodological search of the model are inability to use the monetarist models to predict the development of this process; need to search for other models of this prediction, identification of sources of investment processes, that is the material basis of the investment activity economic entities and the orientation of the economy on the most current trends of investment activity. Results. The modernization of the Russian economy is based on the capitalization of investment advantages, investment requires the identification of points of growth in every segment of the economy, every industry, taking into account the priorities of socio-economic development of the country. At present, there implemented targeted investments that are not related to the organic system and occurs the point modernization of the economy. Conclusions. Effective modeling of investment activity requires an environment conducive, this development (minimally-necessary and sufficient), strengthening the state’s role as a major player in the market of innovative investments in the period of post-crisis growth, and the need to overcome the effect of corrective investment crowd out innovative developments

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