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Kozin M. N., Ibragimov O. A. Multi-criteria Evaluation of Target Efficiency of Inmate’s Labor Adaptation as a Tool to Improve Economic Security. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 172-?. DOI:
Multi-criteria Evaluation of Target Efficiency of Inmate’s Labor Adaptation as a Tool to Improve Economic Security
Introduction. In the conditions of turbulence of world economy, the introduced international restrictions and the sanction against the Russian Federation, and also sharp decrease in the world prices for energy carriers the question of search of new conceptual approaches to providing economic security of a manufacturing sector of criminal and executive system is staticized. Theoretical analysis. Manufacturing activity in the penitentiary system is carried out through the employment of convicts and is aimed at the social and labor adaptation of convicts. One way to improve the economic security of the penitentiary system of the economy performs multi-crit analysis of the target efficiency of labor adaptation of convicts. In the process of evaluating the effectiveness of targeted labor adaptation of convicts: determined by the structure of the system of labor adaptation of convicts; formed by a group of experts and quantitatively assessed by expert judgment; in a matrix of priorities, priority vectors are computed and indicators for assessing the consistency; visually presented results of the study. Results. The developed technique of multi-criteria analysis of the target efficiency of labor adaptation of convicts allows you to distribute the degree of influence factors and to assess its condition at some point in time.
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