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Yurishcheva M. V. Nature and Content of Effectiveness Evaluation of Labor Management Personnel. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 451-456. DOI:

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Nature and Content of Effectiveness Evaluation of Labor Management Personnel

Under current conditions, any organization faces the need of constant search for ways to improve the efficiency of its operations, which is determined by how efficient management process, as management is a must, an integral part of the total social labor. Theoretical analysis. Management efficiency, in largely determined by the activities of employees engaged in administrative work. Under the managerial labor type of work, which must include the operations associated with the performance of administrative functions such as regulation, accounting, control, coordination of the various business processes of the organization, and be aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the organization within the mission of the organization. Empirical analysis. The specificity of the administrative work, as a separate type of professional activity, needs to develop and improve the methodological device that will improve its effectiveness. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of administrative work is to assess the effectiveness of managerial work. Results. Evaluating the effectiveness of managerial work is multi-criteria. The author defines the place of assessing the effectiveness of administrative work in the management system. Classification performance evaluation conducted according to certain criteria, allows for a comparative analysis of these types of evaluation as a formal and informal. In assessing the effectiveness of administrative work necessary to take into account its diversity and to select methods of assessment and evaluation criteria based on the content of managerial work and the level of management. Conclusions. Managerial work is very complex, specific category, it is difficult to assess. But despite this, each manager should be interested to regularly evaluate the results of their labor. Currently, there is no single universal method of estimating the efficiency of administrative work.

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