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Golub O. Y. On the Communicative Nature Mediation: Some Methodological Aspects. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 4, pp. 462-?. DOI:

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On the Communicative Nature Mediation: Some Methodological Aspects

In the framework of Communication has developed an interpretation of communication as symbolic of the social process. Communication in the modern sense – it is a way of establishing contacts between the subjects and the shape of their interconnection and mutual influence, and the basis for the formation of new social practices. One type is the mediation of constructive interaction based on the transactional model of communication. Discussion of results. Practical implementation of extra-judicial dispute resolution and conciliation procedures in modern Russia is based on the understanding of their inner nature and driving mechanisms. The basis of the study of the communicative nature of the mediation made theoretical and methodological position of Communication. An analysis of the various approaches to the study of the fundamental characteristics of communication allowed to formulate the author’s understanding of mediation as a deliberate, planned communication taking place with the help of significant symbols. Mediation – a certain kind of communication, allowing to carry out cooperation partners in the negotiations to create a common sense of the common communicative action and agreement. This approach contributes to the formation of modern culture settlement of disputes and the wider dissemination of alternative means of resolving legal conflicts.


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