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Rud E. M., Rud А. Е. Organization Competitiveness as an Institutional Regulation Object. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 142-146. DOI:

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Organization Competitiveness as an Institutional Regulation Object

Introduction. The problems of domestic organizations’ effective development and improving their competitiveness at the modern stage of economic development are of particular importance, since it is possible to assume a stable position in the market today only by offering high-tech and low-cost products that meet international quality standards. For this process to be fruitful, effective interaction between different institutions is necessary. As far as the impact of institutional regulation will be in line with current trends in the economy, the mechanisms for ensuring the organizations’ competitiveness will increase or weaken. Theoretical analysis. The article analyzes and summarizes various points of view, available in economics, concerning the definition of “organization competitiveness”. Results. The object of the organization competitiveness’ institutional regulation is defined, the author’s interpretation of the “organization competitiveness’ institutional regulation” concept is given, types of institutional regulation are considered.


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