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Андреев А. В. Organization of Procurement Dairy Enterprises on the Market Raw Milk. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 71-81. DOI:
Organization of Procurement Dairy Enterprises on the Market Raw Milk
Introduction. Under conditions of inelastic supply on the market of milk as raw material create dairy enterprises specialized structures transaction management becomes a question not only effective contractual interaction, and survival. Empirical analysis. The article proves that the specific investments made in the framework of these structures, can affect both the individual price and non- price parameters of milk as raw material and the conditions of their formation. Typically, processors create with farmers hybrid governance structure the transaction with such property, as the permeability of borders. Based on the analysis of this property, we have identified two characteristic is the depth of penetration of specific investments and the incidence of common functions down
«the value chain» within the boundaries of a farmer is allowed to justify the creation of three hybrid structures: a contractual warranty, basic and strategic partnership. Among the purchasers of the local processors are in a weak position due to the fact that the scope of contractual safeguards do not allow them to carry out a significant amount of specific investments in the farms. This factor creates inequality positions of different types of dairy enterprises on the market of milk as raw material. To data processors to improve the conditions of access to the resource base of households, we proposed the use of «stimulating factor», which is a premium to the purchase price of milk as raw material. Results. The mechanism of compensation of expenses of the regional budget to pay premium to the purchase price would allow local processors to increase purchases from significant farms.
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