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Kokurina O. Y. Political and Legal Aspects of Participation of Institute of Russian Presidential Envoy in Realization of State Awarding Policy. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 487-492. DOI:

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Political and Legal Aspects of Participation of Institute of Russian Presidential Envoy in Realization of State Awarding Policy

The article of O. Kokurina is dedicated to actual problem of participation of institute of Russian Presidential Envoy in realization of state awarding policy. Object. Main point of article is to analyze political and legal factors that determine evolution of participation of institute of Russian Presidential Envoy in realization of state awarding policy, research this policy and exploring its directions. Results. Author discovers roots of modern award policy, its federal and regional components. Article contains empirical and formal and logical analysis of legal base of regulation of awarding policy. This point allows tracing the most essential political and legal particularities of status of Russian Presidential Envoy in sphere of state awarding policy. Moreover, author concludes about identity of role of Russian Presidential Envoy in realization of state awarding policy and its priorities. Conclusions. In conclusion author deduces about status of awarding policy and positive role of changes in legal acts that regulates it. Beyond that, in article underlines sufficiency and effectiveness of seals of institute of Russian Presidential Envoy in federal districts that was developed and is based on existing traditions of organization of federal government. In this case of realization of awarding policy special attention is pay to interaction between Presidential Envoy with regional governments and also to HR and awarding state policy that underlines its value as autonomy and multi aspect branch of modern state policy.

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