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Chuveleva E. A. Principles of Levelling of Negative Consequences of Influence of Risks on Efficiency of Projects of Corporate Merges and Absorption. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 332-?. DOI:
Principles of Levelling of Negative Consequences of Influence of Risks on Efficiency of Projects of Corporate Merges and Absorption
Introduction. Risk management of merges and absorption possibly through impact on the system generating them. It caused need of research of properties of space of corporate integration as a complicated open system for formation of understanding about the nature of these risks, a choice of the effective instrument of management of them for the purpose of stimulation of efficiency of strategic corporate integration. The formulated purpose is achievable at the expense of a scientifically based choice of the instrument of leveling of negative consequences of influence on projects of merges and absorption of various risks. For this purpose, on the basis of research of the system properties of space of corporate integration generating its riskogennost the system of the principles of risk management of merges/absorption is created. Methods. The principles were formed on the basis of application of a method of the design of systems (system approach) focused on the solution of the problems connected with systems taking into account their interrelation and a solidarity of purpose with big (super) systems which they enter. Results. On the basis of application of this method the system of the principles of effective leveling of negative influence of risks in the conditions of occurrence of complicated system of space of corporate integration into big (super) system is created. Conclusions. The substantial description of the formulated principles taking into account system essence of an environment of the corresponding projects confirms about compliance with it the instrument of insurance. Insurance is recognized as the tool allowing to provide minimization of negative influence of risks of implementation of projects of merges and absorption on their result and at the same time to prevent possible deterioration of a condition of the social, economic and political systems connected with these projects.
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