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Govorun S. O. Property Qualifications as a Limitation Constitutional Principle of Equality of Human Rights Regardless of Wealth. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 237-241. DOI:

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Property Qualifications as a Limitation Constitutional Principle of Equality of Human Rights Regardless of Wealth

Purpose. The article deals with the category «property requirements» in constitutional law. The author investigates the property requirements in a broad sense as limiting the rights of citizens based on whether or not the property, and in the narrow restrictions of voting rights as citizens. The comparative analysis of the legislation of Russia and foreign countries for securing property requirements. Results. The analysis of foreign law the author comes to the conclusion that the existence of property requirements – this is a gross violation of the principle of equality is unacceptable in a modern democratic and humanistic society. Discussion. The study author election pledge showed that the implementation of the majority electoral system – is the factor that allows citizens to participate in elections without relying on the support of the party.

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