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Тогузаева Е. Н. Public Service Announcement and Propaganda: Multiplicities of Legal Regulation. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 662-668. DOI:
Public Service Announcement and Propaganda: Multiplicities of Legal Regulation
Introduction. The problem of protecting the population from the negative information environment and information security very acute at the present time in modern Russian society. A large amount of information we collect is of a destructive nature and forms of antisocial, marginal behavior, and therefore we need to search for actual information dialog, which would be implemented within the legal field. There are many forms of information interaction between government, society and citizens. Some of these forms are advertising and propaganda. Methods. Methodological basis of research is comparative legal method that enabled the author to conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis of the category «propaganda» and «social advertising», peculiarities of legal regulation. To conduct the study was also used formal legal method, analysis method, induction and modeling that enabled the author to propose changes to the current Russian legislation and justify their necessity at the present stage of development of the Russian legal system. Results. The author investigated the Russian legislation on the subject of legal regulation of social advertising and propaganda, conducted a comparative legal analysis of these categories according to their purposes and functions. Highlighted the problem of lack of legal term «propaganda» in modern Russian legislation, leading to legal uncertainty. Conclutions. The author comes to the conclusion about the lack of legal regulation of the institute of social advertising in the Federal law «On advertising», since the latter is almost contrary to the whole nature of advertising, and therefore it is important not only to define the social advertising should be clearly defined criteria that must be met for social ads and place them in the Federal law «On charitable activity and charitable organizations».
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