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Yashin A. V. Questions of the Efficiency Increase of the Crime Prevention Against Criminal Legal Proceeding Participants. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 233-237. DOI:

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Questions of the Efficiency Increase of the Crime Prevention Against Criminal Legal Proceeding Participants

Introduction. Questions of the current ineffective protection of criminal trial participants in the Russian Federation are extremely topical. Due to this circumstance, such crimes undermine the authority of the domestic administration of justice and do serious harm to the personality. The paper is devoted to the problems of increasing the efficiency of measures to counteract such crimes. Methods. In this work, the method of sociological questioning of more than 400 criminal trial participants was applied. Results. It follows from the poll results that such security measures as transfer to another job (service), changing the place of job (service) or study, appearance changes for criminal trial participants to be protected are applied rarely or unapplied at all. These results imply that the allocated financial funds of state programs on the protection of criminal trial participants could be spent not to destination, which reduces the preventive activity efficiency. Conclusion. On the basis of the conducted research the author makes a conclusion that the efficiency of measures to prevent crimes against criminal trial participants should be understood as the productivity of a system of complex measures directed towards decreasing the level of the set of socially dangerous acts, being expressed in the achievement of positive results with the smallest expenses.

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