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Piskunovaва O. V. Social and Special Legal Measures for Ensuring the Implementation of Legal Norms. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 450-453. DOI:

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Social and Special Legal Measures for Ensuring the Implementation of Legal Norms

Introduction. The article discusses the obvious and current issues of enforcement of law. A special place in this process belongs to the system of security means: general social and special legal ones. The proper implementation of legal norms is ensured by a number of socioeconomic, political means, and depends on the level of legal awareness and legal culture of the population, information media, including advertising, the quality and timeliness of legal examination of normative acts, the rules of legal technology, the correct interpretation of law, legal responsibility, etc. The activity of the system of competent state bodies, existing in the form of judicial control and prosecutorial supervision, is important for the process of ensuring law enforcement. Purpose. The objective is to justify the need for ensuring the implementation of legal regulations with the help of an agreed set of general social and special legal means. Results. The result of the study into the subject matter is the rationale for the fact that the implementation of legal norms is provided by the system of general social and special legal means. Conclusions. A balanced set of general social and specially legal means serves as a basis for effective legal regulation.


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