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Afanasiev V. N., Afanasieva A. V., Shevrina E. V. Statistical Research of Bank Crediting as Source of Investment of Rural Producers. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 176-186. DOI:

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Statistical Research of Bank Crediting as Source of Investment of Rural Producers

Introduction. The relevance of this research is caused by: i) the need to increase the role of bank crediting in the development of investment processes in the agro-industrial complex, ii) the necessity to build a system of crediting of agricultural producers on the basis of analysis of the differentiation of territorial-administrative formations in the region by agricultural production efficiency; iii) the lack of any comprehensive statistical research of the problems of bank crediting of agricultural producers. Objectives: statistical estimation of the volume, dynamics, structure of crediting of administrative-territorial formations in the region by the SberBank of the Russian Federation; ii) statistical analysis of the factors affecting the volume of crediting and the quality of borrowers (their liquidity and probabilistic risk assessment); iii) the formation of a purpose structure in the crediting client search system. Results. In the study, some statistical regularities of the crediting dynamics of the Russian Federation SberBank regarding the manufacturers of various types of agricultural products have been revealed and a quantitative assessment of these regularities is provided on the basis of our sample survey of the credits given in the Orenburg region. The scientific novelty of the statistical study of rural producer crediting as a most important source of investments is in the suggested algorithm of decision-making on crediting in the conditions of both external and internal uncertainties of getting products; a probabilistic assessment and forecasting of the liquidity of a crediting object; a purpose tree required for a client search control system of bank crediting. Conclusion. Application of statistical methods in the evaluation of the quality of borrowers is a promising direction of searching for effective investment ways for rural producers.

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