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Тихонова С. В. The Development of Law Communication Study in Russia: Problems and Prospects. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 319-?. DOI:

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The Development of Law Communication Study in Russia: Problems and Prospects

The article deals with the analysis of a new interdisciplinary
research field formation in Russia – law communication
studies. Theoretical analysis. Formation of communication studies
in the space of domestic humanities began in the post-Soviet period
and was associated with the reception of the Western models of
methodological and institutional organization of knowledge about
communication. In Russia the introduction of communicative problems
in the educational process was quite fast. Communication specialty of
higher education, specialized research associations, specialized scientific
periodicals, dissertation themes were created. The main barrier
to the development of domestic communication study was making an
independent scientific discipline. It remains unresolved. Institutional
deficit determined «atomization» of research communications for a
variety of research areas, specialization subject field of communication.
The forming of law communication study was a special case of
this process. It had three stages: 1) the emergence of a new subject
area at the intersection of linguistics and jurisprudence and stable
interest in the study of law communications; 2) the establishment of
law communicative theory in the general theory of law; 3) the formation
of state information and communication paradigms with the active
participation of information law science. Results. Three disciplinary
areas that generate a substantive law communication studies field
were analyzed. This analysis showed that the sufficient conditions for
their integration into a single unit completed. Firstly, it is a common
for them tendency to interpret communication in law through its
social nature and steady feedback from non-legal sciences, which explore the modern communication processes. Secondly, it is using
of categorical apparatus and basic structural schemes of communication
study. Now development of the law communication studies as an
independent interdisciplinary research area depends on the process
of consolidation of the scientific community.


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