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Астафьева Н. В. The Development of Public-private Partnership in Netlogistics System of Passenger Transportation Management. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 621-628. DOI:
The Development of Public-private Partnership in Netlogistics System of Passenger Transportation Management
Introduction. In recent years, the worldwide trend of establishing effective cooperation between the state and business in the infra- structure sectors (electricity, road, rail, utilities) in the framework of public-private partnership (PPP). A special place in infrastructure is the transport sector, forming the basis of the whole economic system. Currently, the effectiveness of PPPs is not high enough due to the lack of models of effective institutional cooperation between the state and private companies, mechanisms mates the interests of the state and business structures at the regional level, as well as learning the tendencies of the development Association of public and private transport companies in the modern business environment. Theoretical analysis. A theoretical analysis of the context of use of the term
«public-private partnership» shows that in General, the PPP represents various forms of interaction between state and private business enterprises. Empirical analysis. The development of public-private partnerships are presented as a logical sequence of activities that will enhance the activity of transport enterprises to improve the quality of passenger transport, to expand the scope and increase the effectiveness of process management in passenger transportation in netlogistics system based on the strengthening of the economic rela- tions of the state and business structures. Results. The results of the authors of the studies to determine the directions of development of public-private partnership is the development of a set of activities that will enhance the activity of transport enterprises to improve the quality of passenger transport, to expand the scope and increase its effectiveness in netlogistics system based on the strengthening of economic relations of state and business structures.
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