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Mramornova O. V., Ivanova N. A., Abuova Z. U. The Genesis and Development of the Precariat in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan: Comparative Analysis. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 259-?. DOI:

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The Genesis and Development of the Precariat in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan: Comparative Analysis

Introduction. Contemporary processes of formation of the information society, emerging of new technological structures and digital revolution radically change the character and institutional structure of labor relations that occurred in industrial age. New unusual forms of employment appear. They are still poorly included in the field of institutional regulation. These processes are especially acute in the former Soviet republics. The transition to market relations in these new countries led to the development of precarization processes. Theoretical analysis. In this article the analysis of the theoretical approaches to the definition of the concepts “precariat”, “precarization” carried out by Russian and foreign economists and sociologists is considered; the causes, criteria and structural elements of this phenomenon are determined. In the process of research there were studied scientific publications, Internet site materials and statistical organizations’ data of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, which characterize the processes of social precarization in both states. A sociological survey involving 420 respondents in both countries was conducted. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the scientific literature, statistical data and the results of the conducted sociological research show the existence of precarization processes both in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan, however, there are certain differences. Results of study. A comparative analysis of the processes of social precarization in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan has revealed the objective causes and forms of its manifestation in these states, conditioned by the culturological features of the two countries. It is revealed that the intensity of precarization is somewhat lower in the RK than in the Russian Federation. The share of workers whose working conditions do not correspond to sanitary and hygienic standards is lower, informal employment tends to decrease. The survey of workers in the RK did not reveal facts of informal wages (“in envelopes”).


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