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Гарманов В. В. The Influence of the Design of the Barrel Firearms Limited Destruction on the Deposition Product Shots for Shots at Close Distance over a Hedge Non-biological Origin. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 219-?. DOI:

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The Influence of the Design of the Barrel Firearms Limited Destruction on the Deposition Product Shots for Shots at Close Distance over a Hedge Non-biological Origin

Introduction. The theme urgency is defined as prevalence in the territory of the Russian Federation barreled firearms limited destruction (major crimes), major crimes than the barrel and damage the projectiles had shot out of him, obstacles of a different nature is the objects of ballistic research during the investigation of various incidents related to the application or use of major crimes in the solution of diagnostic problems of expert determine the distance of the shot from the muzzle face to the obstacles and determine the type and model of firearm (major crimes), shot from where the damage formed on the barrier ( including the garments). Methodology of research. Experimental part. During the preparation of the work have been established certain design features of the barrels of various models of major crimes as the production of Russia (pistols, «Storm-51» and «Storm-21», MP-79-9TM, Mr-80-13T, LL, 81), and major crimes of foreign production («GRAND POWER T10»). Splitting the data models of major crimes into three groups on the basis of the design of the barrel wopp his muzzle (the front part), then out of the major crimes of these models was carried out shooting staff for them by cartridges of traumatic action corresponding experimental tissue fire at targets from different distances from the muzzle of the barrel of the gun to the target surface (from 5 to 100 cm) and at relatively close contact muzzle end of the barrel with the outer surface of the target. Results of study. Study of damage on targets and product shots on the surfaces of the targets, the dependence pattern of deposition of products of a shot (a shot soot and unburnt or semiburnt down particles of gunpowder) on the barrier fabric to the size and construction of the barrel barreled firearms limited destruction (major crimes) for shots at close range. Discussion of results. Practical recommendations. The possibility of production of differential diagnostic examinations of gunshot injuries at the tissue barriers formed by shots from major crimes, depending on its type, caliber and cartridge design features of the trunk, with the establishment of a distance close shot in case of application or use of a weapon that allows to differentiate them on signs of data damage, which is especially important in the case of simultaneous use or the use of various models of major crimes. Noted the need for a centralized collection of experimental damage to the target tissue, obtained, if possible, all samples and models of major crimes, and are certified in the legal turnover on the territory of the Russian Federation (RF) with subsequent dissemination in electronic form (in the form of electronic images) throughout the system of forensic institutions of the RF.


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