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Cheremisinov G. A., Fenin C. V. The Methodology of Spatial-Temporal Analysis in Fernand Braudel’s Historical and Economic Research. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 4-15. DOI:

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The Methodology of Spatial-Temporal Analysis in Fernand Braudel’s Historical and Economic Research

Introduction. In this article, the advisability and productivity of the interdisciplinary synthesis of history and geography in fundamental and applied research of spatial and temporal parameters of economic development are discussed. The peculiarities of Fernand Braudel’ historical and economic views are explained. Theoretical and methodological analysis. The peculiarities of a multi-level, hierarchically organized economic space analysis is revealed through the study of the urban economy, the subordination of the economic mechanisms’ system elements, socio-economic structures in the microsystem model of the international labor division. The demonstration of economic space importance takes place in the analysis of its participation in the formation of regular and irregular economic cycles. Conclusion. The methodology of spatial-temporal analysis makes it possible to explore the labor division dynamics and the hierarchy of economic regulation mechanisms, sectors, industries, macroeconomic subjects. The hierarchy of chronologically ordered time characteristics (economic cycles) in the concept of the worldsystem model corresponds to a hierarchically organized space that exists in the form of territorial entities and spatially determined economic forms, institutions and economic processes.


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