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Savina Y. Y. The Monetary Policy’s Role in the Regulation of Investment Relations . Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 164-?. DOI:
The Monetary Policy’s Role in the Regulation of Investment Relations
Introduction. The main factor of the economic recession in Russia is an investment pause, the overcoming of which will serve as a key to restoring economic growth and the growth of foreign and domestic investments. At the same time, increasing the investment is associated with greater risk, which obviously reduces the investment activity and inhibits the development of investment relations. Due to the high degree of depreciation of fixed assets of Russian enterprises is very urgent problem of attracting investments and development of investment relations. Its importance is confirmed by the fact that economists ambiguously assess the impact of measures taken by the specialized authorities. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the various theoretical approaches to the definition of the monetary factors’s role of investment dynamics, explaining the slowdown and decline in investment. Empirical analysis. On the basis of the parameters set of monetary regulation at the state of Russia’s socio-economic system. Based on the dynamics of the most important parameters set the effect of monetary policy on the dynamics of investment relations. Results. Installed effect of the monetary policy pursued by influencing the investment intentions of business entities. It is established that monetary factors affects the dynamics of investment in fixed assets.
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