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Vladimirov V. Y., Makarov I. Y., Potokova M. E., Stragis V. B. The Need for a Complex Scientific and Methodological Approach in Organizing Forensic Ballistic Research. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 168-173. DOI:

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The Need for a Complex Scientific and Methodological Approach in Organizing Forensic Ballistic Research

Introduction. The article touches upon the issues related to the need to implement a methodological relationship between judicial ballistic examination and one of the subtypes of medical and forensic examinations – forensic ballistic research, in forensic examinations and in conducting scientific research and methodological developments, and in professional training of specialists, which is expressed, first of all, in ensuring the uniformity of the conceptual and terminological apparatus and algorithms of forensic experts research facilities not related to the medical field. Theoretical analysis. The forensic medical study of living persons, corpses, their parts, organs and tissues is entirely based on the fundamental scientific and practical provisions of medical science and forensic medicine in particular. Results. An integrated approach is provided for the forensic use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings.

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