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Fadeeva V. A. The problem of unreliability of information in the system of compulsory medical insurance in the context of the implementation of the constitutional right to free medical care. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 206-214. DOI:
The problem of unreliability of information in the system of compulsory medical insurance in the context of the implementation of the constitutional right to free medical care
Introduction. The addition of the section “Information on the cost of medical services rendered” to “Public Services”, the state information system, allowed the citizens of the Russian Federation to receive relevant information promptly. This possibility soon exacerbated the problem of unreliability of information about the medical services provided to the insured persons under compulsory medical insurance. The article defends a position based on the legal analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of compulsory medical insurance. According to this position, the problem can be overcome by appropriate changes in the regulatory documents governing the control powers of the territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance, health insurance organizations. Theoretical analysis. The right to reliable information is enshrined in a number of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the analysis of which allows us to investigate the problem of unreliability of information in the system of compulsory medical insurance (“medical prescriptions”). Empirical analysis. Identification of unreliability of information about the provided medical services can be carried out both by the insured persons under compulsory medical insurance and through the control of the competent authorities. In this regard, the article analyzes the control powers of the territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance, medical insurance organizations. Results. The result of the author’s analysis of the problem of unreliability of information in the system of compulsory medical insurance (“medical attributions”) is a proposal to improve the procedure for organizing and monitoring the volume, timing, quality and conditions of providing medical care for compulsory medical insurance.
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