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Челнокова О. Ю. The Relationship and Interdependence of Convergence and Integration in the Economy. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 154-?. DOI:

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The Relationship and Interdependence of Convergence and Integration in the Economy

Introduction. The trend of globalization of the modern economy leads to the increasing relevance of convergence and integration, the relationship and interaction which do not cause doubts. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the integration and convergence as processes of interaction between homogeneous or heterogeneous elements of different economic systems, which are closely interwoven with each other. Discusses the question of the primacy of processes of integration and convergence. The article presents economic entities of convergent and integration processes, and the levels of their development. Results. Convergence is very similar integration. Their similarity is determined by several aspects, firstly, they are conditioned by the international division of labour, secondly, they represent a form of conjugation of the interests and efforts of business entities in resolving various problems, and third, they represent a homogeneous or heterogeneous interaction of both processes. Ddialectic relationship between convergence and integration is not limited to direct connection «basis – superstructure». The author argues that convergence may act as a necessary condition for integration and its result. Also observed the emergence of new interactive elements of economic convergence and integration at the modern stage of economic development, which are innovative entrepreneurs.


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