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Krasilnikov O. Y. The Relationship between Structural Changes and Economic Development of Russia. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 127-?. DOI:

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The Relationship between Structural Changes and Economic Development of Russia

Introduction. This article investigates the relationship between changes in the structure of Russia’s economy and economic development at the stage of the postindustrial society formation. The purpose of this scientific article is to study the mechanism of interaction of structural changes and economic dynamics with their qualitative and quantitative sides. Theoretical analysis. The author explores the impact of major production factors (technological progress, capital and labor) on structural shifts between the pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial sectors of the economy. The next step is to examine the impact of shifts between these sectors on overall economic dynamics. To achieve stable growth of the national economy on the basis of the extension of the post-industrial way of production it is necessary to involve progressive determinants of technological progress: innovations in production technologies, highly skilled human capital. These provisions are analyzed on the basis of the closed system of the national economy taking into account the influence of external economic factors, depending on world energy prices. Results. The made a conclusion about the necessity of forming a new model of Russia’s economy macroeconomic development through diversification of its structure, priority investment into innovative industries and sectors, implementing of major infrastructure projects


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